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Extended Essay: 4000 words final hand in

Moving towards the final deadline

Key Take Aways

  • Respond to feedback immediately - it will be much more rapid and the changes will be more effective. Try to raise each criteria grade.
  • Look at this document again - it is a very good and clear template of expectations.
  • Use the RADaR approach to improve your essay.
  • Go through Checklists
  • Go back to your RRS - is it up to date and could be used to prove that all the work in your essay is your own.
  • Do not get a D - all this work for no extra points... What's the point!


Essential Tasks before handing in your final EE

Before final hand in:

  1. Go through this checklist.
  2. If you are concerned about whether you have missed any citations, upload to Managebac early and look at the turnitin feedback document. 
  3. Make sure that your RRS is fully filled in.

Common Errors

  1. Not using the provided checklist to ensure that everything has been completed.
  2. Title page wrong - should only have title, research question, subject and word count. If the research question on the title page is different from the introduction paragraph this looks very unprofessional.
  3. No double spacing
  4. Using an annotated bibliography rather than a simple bibliography
  5. Contents page missing or missing page numbers.

Viva Voce and Final Reflection