Mother Tongue Books at CIS Lakeside Primary Library
Here is a list of all the Mother Tongue books we have in our World Languages Collection. Parents are requested to donate any Mother Tongue books that they have that are appropriate for primary students in terms of age and content. Please email if you would like to donate any Mother Tongue books to the library.
Over 32,000 stories in 287 languages at different reading levels in StoryWeaver. Recommended for parents to use with their children.
Other online resources
LibriVox provides free audiobooks from the public domain. There are several options for listening. Currently available for 13 languages.
Forvo: the pronunciation guide. All the words in the world pronounced by native speakers
Read children's books in 16 different languages - free online. The ICDL Foundation's goal is to build a collection of books that represents outstanding historical and contemporary books from throughout the world.
Omniglot - the guide to languages, alphabets and other writing systems
Inforgraphic taken from UNESCO Bangkok (2018).
Inforgraphic taken from the UNESCO Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
Image taken form