What to do at the end of the year with your students and collections in EPIC Books
Please transfer all your students to the librarian of your campus or the Head of Grade your students are moving up to!
Get your Epic! account ready for your incoming students! Learn how to transfer your previous students' profiles to their new teachers and to delete student profiles. |
Enter the email of the school LIBRARIAN if you do not know the name of the new teacher (or if you're leaving) or the email of the next year teacher / Head of Grade if you know who that will be. Default to the Librarian if you are not sure.
We're sure you've made some great collections while you've been using Epic! Books. Please help us curate good resources by sharing them with the librarian and / or Head of Grade or your fellow teachers.
1. Go to your collections.
2. Choose the collection you want to share and click "share"
3. You can either share by finding the teacher on Epic, by emailing the teacher / librarian or by copying and link and sharing all the links you copy in one email to the librarian / teacher.