We have a collection of ToonBooks which are a great bridging tool between picture books and chapter books. I'm happy to let you know that they are also supported by an online site that helps the student by reading aloud. Some of the titles can also be read in a number of other languages including Chinese and French. Please click on the image below.
中文书店 (Chinese Bookstore)
“书城”的百胜楼一带 (Bras Basah Complex) 百盛楼。 百盛楼二楼的Popular里面,有一整层楼是中文书
书城一街之隔的“长河”、“草根” (北桥路上同一座大厦里,长河在一楼,草根在三楼)
杂志 (Magazine)
In order to make it easier to identify a book that you are able to read, depending on your level of Chinese we have colour coded the spine labels as follows:
This is what it looks like on the books
The NLB has two main sources for Chinese eBooks. Parents would need to join the NLB to access these resources.
* Overdrive provides eBooks and audio books in Chinese
* Childroad provides read-along Chinese eBooks
IB Attitudes 学习态度
Appreciation 感恩
Commitment 投入
Confidence 自信
Cooperation 合作
Creativity 创新
Curiosity 好奇
Empathy 明理
Enthusiasm 热情
Independence 独立
Integrity 正直
Respect 尊重
Tolerance 宽容
Learner Profile 学生素质
Balanced 平衡发展
Caring 充满爱心
Principled 坚持原则
Communicator 沟通自如
Knowledgeable 知识丰富
Reflective 乐于反思
Open-minded 思想开放
Inquirer 勤于探究
Risk- taker 勇于挑战
Thinker 善于思考
PYP concepts:
Form 形式
Function 功能
Causation 原因
Change 变化
Connection 连系
Perspective 观点
Responsibility 责任
Reflection 反思
Who we are? 我们是谁
Where we are in place and time 我们身处什么时空?
How we express ourselves 我们如何表达自己
How the world works 世界如何运作
How we organise ourselves 我们如何组织自己
Sharing the planet. 共享地球